Welcome to The LK Edit

Hi there, welcome to The LK Edit.

If you have been following along, you know at least one thing: I care. Deeply. I care about every one of you and this land I am lucky enough to lay my feet on. I believe you are a part of me and I of you. If you are just being introduced to Little Korboose for the first time: Welcome. Let me tell you a bit about the journey to bring you the brand.

I was fortunate enough to be raised by forward-thinking parents who reject the norm and who care deeply about others. Our house was a commune for friends, children and companions alike. They were welcomed as family and part of our modest group. 

My parents continually fostered our growth and in the process, taught me compassion. I was also taught to understand the value of experience and curiosity. In fact, curiosity took us all over the globe to discover new places. We traveled often in search of the next new experience. I remember my mother saying, “Always go.”

We knew we could build a nest wherever we landed, whether it be in a bustling metropolis, next to a calming brook in a national forest or in a remote area of the peaceful California desert. So the word “Home” has always had an unconventional meaning to me. It is more than just a house. It is a feeling. It has to do with people, the community and the connections you make along the way. It has to do with the land and nature that surround you.

Home is made up of artifacts from travels and experiences. Every single item in my home has a story. Each time I use an item in my home, I think about where it came from or who gave it to me…and I am able to feel.

The same is true for everything I create. When I make something, it is drenched with my experience, memories and good vibes—and I want to pass it on. 

That is why in the summer of 2008, I founded Little Korboose. Little Korboose is a reflection of my true passions around conservation, sustainability, compassion for all living things...and of course helping to create "home" for others.

Today, our goal with Little Korboose is exactly what we have always tried to do as a brand: Create modern minimalist home goods and accessories compassionately hand-crafted in the USA, with Earth and people friendly materials. After 13 years, our values our tightly rooted and we want to share the journey with you. 

Within this journal we will be sharing stories of design, exploration, ecological sustainability and social good. 

Exciting things to come. I can't wait to bring you all along on the ride.

x April